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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
IDA International, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) have signed an agreement with the Information Technology Authority (ITA) of the Sultanate of Oman to deliver innovative digital services for the Omani Ministry of Manpower.

The agreement was signed Tuesday at the sidelines of Oman's leading IT and Telecom Show, COMEX 2014 by Hamad Khamis Al Amri, Undersecretary of Oman's Manpower Ministry, ITA chief executive officer Dr Salim Al Ruzaiqi and Group International group director Tan Lark Yang.

Masagos Zulkifli, Senior Minister of State, Singapore's Ministry of Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs witnessed the signing of the agreement. He is on an introductory visit to Muscat as part of Singapore's efforts to strengthen relations with members of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

The collaboration is in line with the ITA's eGovernment Transformation Plan which seeks to accelerate internal processes and procedures within government agencies to provide better services to end users, and greater operational and procedural efficiency within the Omani Government.

Under the agreement, IDA International will provide consultancy services to transform and streamline visa clearance processes for the Oman's Ministry of Manpower.

This will help enhance the management of foreign labour in Oman, including blue collar, white collar and foreign domestic workers and benefit the local workforce and the local economy.

Consultants from IDA International will undertake a study to improve the inspection processes related to labour welfare management of Oman's workforce.

"As the public workforce in Oman becomes increasingly tech savvy, it is imperative that smarter ways of work are adopted to enable more effective delivery of government services to citizens and residents in the Sultanate," said IDA International chief executive officer Vincent Wong.

"We are happy to leverage our core strength in eGov consultancy to support the Omani government's advancement toward eTransformation," he said.

To forge stronger collaborations between Singapore and Oman's infocomm industries, IDA has led a delegation of seven Singaporean tech companies to participate in this year's COMEX.

An eGovernment transformation seminar was jointly organised with ITA to facilitate exchange of best practices and thought leadership on strategies to bring about eGovernment transformation.

This is IDA's fourth showing at the COMEX Expo which runs from April 7 to 11 at the Oman International Exhibition Centre.


Quelle/Source: Bernama, 09.04.2014

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