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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Singapore’s IDA International and Oman’s Information Technology Authority (IRA) have signed an agreement to deliver innovative digital services for Oman’s Ministry of Manpower.

This collaboration is a crucial step in ITA’s E-Government Transformation Plan, which aims to accelerate and automate internal processes in government agencies. Ultimately, it looks to bring about better public services to citizens and greater operational and procedural efficiency in the Omani Government.

The agreement will see IDA International, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), provide consultancy services to simplify and streamline the visa processes for the Ministry of Manpower and deliver more customer-centric public services to the labour market in Oman, including blue collar, white collar and foreign domestic workers. IDA consultants will also conduct a detailed study to improve the inspection processes related to labour law violations.

The agreement was signed between Hamed bin Khamis al-A’amri, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Manpower, Dr. Salim al-Ruzaiqi, Chief Executive Officer of ITA and Tan Lark Yang, Group Director of IDA International.

Vincent Wong, Chief Executive Officer of IDA International, said, “As the public workforce in Oman becomes increasingly technologically savvy, it is imperative that smarter ways of work are adopted to enable more effective delivery of government services to citizens and residents in the Sultanate.”

“As we seek to push forward the Digital Oman National Strategy, this strategic and timely collaboration with IDA International signifies a key step toward achieving the key pillar of our E-Government Transformation Plan,” shared Dr. al-Ruzaiqi.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Medha Basu

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 09.04.2014

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