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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Clear long-term goals and a unified approach by government, private sector and citizens are the most critical factors in the success of any e-government program, says a top executive of Singapore’s Infocomm Development Authority (IDA).

High-level government support and funding are also necessary for all e-government projects, added Caren Chua, IDA senior consultant for the e-government policies division, in a speech to delegates at the opening of the e-Government and Trade Facilitation Forum in Singapore.

IT-related government projects should focus as well on user-friendliness to help the public access and navigate government services, she added.

Chua cited Singapore’s experience with e-government programs that laid out plans for creating a hospitable environment as early as the 1980s, including computerization and interconnection of government services.

She also noted how the Singaporean government worked closely with both businesses and the public on developing a national ICT strategy.

As a result, in the year 2005, Singapore’s home PC penetration rate reached 74 percent of the population and Internet use, 57 percent. Business broadband Internet penetration is 59 percent and mobile phone penetration, 98 percent.

As a result of strategic execution of its ICT goals, the country’s ICT industry grew to 21 billion US dollars in 2004, Chua added.

The e-Government and Trade Facilitation Forum from January 24 to 27 in Singapore highlights key e-government initiatives in Asian countries.

Autor: Alexander Villafania

Quelle:, 26.01.2006

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