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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Thailand’s Electronic Government Agency plans to take 700 government systems into the cloud so citizens can end their reliance on physical ID cards.

The EGA’s president and chief executive officer, Sak Segkhoonthod, told the Nation that his agency specifically wants departments such as the ministries of Labour, Public Health and Education, to get on to the online system because these ministries have a lot of services.

Currently, only the only the Social Security Office, the National Health Security Office, and the Department of Provincial Administration are using the government’s API.

“We will encourage more government organisations to use Government API to provide services so people do not need to copy their national ID cards in paper form," Sak told the newspaper.

The EGA also plans to encourage government organisations to develop mobile apps for their services. Sak said that as more and more Thais get smartphones, state organisations should make it easier for people to access their services via their mobile phones.

Thailand launched a smart ID card in 2004 that was aimed to be linked to e-government services.


Quelle/Source: Security Document World, 05.02.2015

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