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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
By June this year, visitors to the websites of eight government offices will find them changed - spruced up, more informative, better links and easier to navigate under a new standard for all agencies.

This promise was delivered by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Minister Anudith Nakornthap on Wednesday after the project was approved by the cabinet.

The Electronic Government Agency (EGA), a public organisation, has been assigned to translate the dream into reality.

Gp Capt Anudith said all ministry websites lack a common standard and direction. The facelift will correct this problem and users will find it a lot easier to find the information they are seeking.

Until now, each agency had designed its own website and content. This had led to a lack of consistency and the posting of redundant information.

The first ministries due for a makeover are Finance, Social Development and Human Security, Labour, Public Health, Education, Foreign Affairs, Natural Resources and Environment, and the Prime Minister's Secretariat. The others will follow.

These websites will be improved to a new Government Website Standard agreed on by the ICT and the EGA, Sak Segkhoonthod, chief executive of EGA, said. Information will be easier to access and up to date, with better links with all agencies.

The new standard was the result of comments drawn from of a focus group of 60 offices and a meeting of officials representing 180 agencies last year, with a follow up meeting on Feb 18. It includes content, recommended features and information security, Mr Sak said.

The EGA has registered two domain names, for Open Government Data and for Government Application Centre.

The Open Government Data site will provide users -- officials, the public and business operators -- with better access to up to date data provided by the government to ensure transparency. The Government Application Centre is aimed at developing new apps.

He said the project began began with a Quit Smoking app which was recently launched by the Public Health Ministry for iPhone and Android devices as part of its campaign to help smokers trying to give up puffing.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Saritdet Marukatat

Quelle/Source: Bangkok Post, 24.04.2013

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