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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Revenue Department (RD), Thailand will launch a mobile app for the submission of personal income tax by mid of March as the latest e-service for smart phone users.

RD Director-General Satit Rungkasiri said that the department has been piloted the app and is now confident that the new mobile service is user-friendly, fast, and convenient for users. “Moreover, the app can facilitate high-security financial transactions with banks via mobile phones.”

Rungkasiri believed the new app will provide a more convenient mean for taxpayers and encourage them to adopt this channel to submit their tax information.

“Next year, we may see higher numbers of taxpayers using mobile phone to submit and pay taxes more than doing it via internet next year,” he added.

The project started at the mid of 2012, and will now only be available for half a month before the deadline of the personal income tax submission at the end of March, according to him.

“It is a good step as we can test the system,” he said and added that the app will be developed further to be more user-friendly, more casual looking and interesting interface.

“Mobile service will replace the existing systems because almost all taxpayers are now using smartphone,” he added.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Thanya Kunakornpaiboonsiri

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 01.03.2013

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