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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Electronic Government Agency (EGA) under Thai ICT Ministry has recently announced its progress and plan for 2013 to further enhance the development and use of Government Cloud.

Dr Sak Segkhoonthod, President and CEO of the EGA announced that the EGA’s focus in 2013 will be to provide more Software as a Service (SaaS), creating a Government Application Centre (GAC), and pushing forward Open Government IT project to further integrate data and services for citizens, and lastly implementing ‘Smart Box’ programme to connect with and deliver government services for remote communities.

“SaaS will be the key system on our G-Cloud, while the GAC will become the centre of applications for public sector,” he said and added that the development of GAC is expected to be launched at the third quarter of this year.

The past year, the EGA already prepared necessary enterprise architecture for the GAC’s network, and liaised with several agencies in preparedness for the official launch, according to him.

Regarding the integration of government IT project under Open Government initiative, Dr Segkhoonthod said that we have seen major collaborations for service and data consolidation among key ministries and agencies for the past year, such as the recent launch of ‘One ID Card for Smart Farmers’ programme, in collaboration with Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry, the ICT Ministry, Interior Ministry, and Natural Resources and Environment Ministry.

“Other major collaborations will be made available to cover public health, social welfare, education and several others,” he added and explained that agencies can use the Application Programming Interface (API) created by the EGA to further develop their own system.

Launched in April 2012, Thailand’s G-Cloud has seen its progress in making available over 140 e-government services on the secured cloud environment, operated by the EGA.

“There have been total of thirty three agencies benefiting from the G-Cloud as of now,” Dr Segkhoonthod said.

This year, the EGA will increase its investment on G-Cloud and aims to service sixty more projects.

Dr Segkhoonthod also announced that the EGA has successfully linked 1,199 government agencies from national, provincial, and regional levels, to the Government Information Network (GIN) over the G-Cloud and support services such as Government Financial Management Information System (GFMIS), Teleconference. The EGA planned to expand the connection further to 2,000 more agencies, and initiate two more new services including Flood Alert System and GIN Web Conference.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Thanya Kunakornpaiboonsiri

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 29.01.2013

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