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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Mobile broadband is a transformative technology that delivers social value for every type of citizen, from personal efficiency and social networking to industrial applications, e-Health and e-Education and thus many governments have made it a political rallying cry such as the Digital Bangladesh or Digital Britain projects.

Speaking at an event entitled "Thailand on the verge of 3G", Sebastian Cabello of the GSM Association (GSMA) said that studies across 120 countries have shown the value of mobile broadband; that for every 10 percent increase in penetration, there is an economic growth of 1.3 percent.

Policy makers and politicians have an interest in making 3G easy for a country. The first thing that a regulator has at hand is spectrum, the oxygen of the industry. Then there are policies on infrastructure and spectrum sharing; coverage obligations; encouraging a good infrastructure and spectrum licensing pricing. Together, Cabello says policy makers have in hand the tools to impact 75 percent of the cost to serve up 3G.

GSMA has commissioned a study by the consulting firm LECG to measure the social and economic impact of mobile broadband and 3G. The study estimated that licensing 3G now would mean economic gains of $2.3 billion to GDP a year with 80,000 new jobs a year from 2010 to 2015. Delaying 3G up to this point has cost the economy between 1.5 to $3 billion with the lost productivity akin to a tax on consumer and business. The full report is available to download from the GSMA website.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Don Sambandaraksa

Quelle/Source: Bangkok Post, 11.11.2009

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