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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

“Kashiwanoha Smart City” in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, is about to become a place for demonstration experiments utilizing the entire city. Promoted by Mitsui Fudosan, Kashiwanoha Urban Design Center and Kashiwa City. The University of Tokyo (University of Tokyo), Chiba University, and others also joined and started as a demonstration platform called “Innovation Field Kashiwanoha” in collaboration with civil society.

Kashiwa-no-ha Smart City was launched with the opening of the Tsukuba Express in 2005 as a flagship project for the smart city strategy. It features a compact cityscape with houses, commercial facilities, offices, hotels, hospitals, universities, parks, etc., within a radius of about 3 km.

In front of the station is Kashiwa-no-ha Open Innovation Lab KOIL, which supports venture companies. In the city, there is also a data communication service for the IoT, LoRaWAN. Until now, it has been accepting a number of demonstration projects as a “demonstration experiment town”.

“The NEXT Medical Device Development Center, which aims to develop innovative medical devices, has been established within the National Cancer Center, and the Kashiwa II campus of the University of Tokyo, which had been underdeveloped until now, has also been developed. The environment surrounding Kashiwa-no-ha has changed drastically, with the Kashiwa II campus of the University of Tokyo positioned by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), along with the University of Tokyo, as a research base for promoting AI manufacturing. With the environment for social implementation in place, it’s time to accelerate our efforts to create new industries. “Kaori Nishibayashi, Mitsui Fudosan Kashiwanoha Town Building Promotion Department / Venture Co-creation Division Business Group Leader, said, Talk about how you started Field Kashiwanoha.

Unlike demonstration experiments in which the time and place are limited, the innovation of being able to use the entire Kashiwa-no-ha Smart City and using it as a place for realistic demonstration experiments assuming continuous use, such as considering the experiment period in the medium to long term, The unique strength of field Kashiwanoha. Nishibayashi says, “We are setting up a framework for demonstration experiments throughout the city. We want to provide support in a realistic environment that can only be achieved through the cooperation of citizen science.”

”Mitsui Fudosan alone can provide demonstration experiments that limit locations such as commercial facilities and hotels. However, when we actually start experimenting, not only in the facilities but also in the surrounding environment, such as the surrounding roads and sidewalks to stations, etc. It is possible to consider services from a broader perspective by conducting it. In the case of Kashiwanoha, an innovation field that includes governments such as Chiba Prefecture and Kashiwa City, it is possible to conduct demonstration experiments that take in the surroundings of the facility. ” Gives specific examples. So far, there is no place for demonstration experiments that make use of the entire city. “I do not think there is anything else.

Merits overwhelmingly outweigh the disadvantages

Already, a temperature sensor has been installed in Kashiwa-no-ha Smart City to create an environment where temperature and humidity can be monitored in real-time. Along with LoRaWAN, city planning utilizing IoT will progress. “We would like to accept a wide range of demonstration experiments from startups to large companies,” he said. It is said that the nearby Kashiwa Fish Market has received specific consultations as to whether IoT can be used for operation and management in the market.

At first glance, the large number of players involved in public-private partnerships seems to have the disadvantage of making it difficult to organize the story. Nishibayashi says, “Sure, their positions are different, so their interests are not always the same. For example, the viewpoints of town planning and management and safety may be the opposite. We listen to ourselves and propose solutions to our concerns, so we share opinions and resolve them. Solving each of these issues will enable us to realize our vision beyond that. It is overwhelmingly more likely to outweigh the benefits. ”

At present, Kashiwanoha, an innovation field, is seeking demonstration experiments that focus on two fields: AI / IoT and life science medical. If you can apply from the dedicated website and pass the examination, coordination with stakeholders such as demonstration field providers, government, cooperating companies, project promotion support, technical consultation on utilization of LoRaWAN already built-in Kashiwanoha area, Kashiwanoha IoT business You can get support such as technical consultation and business mentoring about Azure utilization of Microsoft Japan in cooperation with co-creation lab.

While providing a wide range of field trials, the Kashiwanoha IoT Business Co-creation Lab supports the creation of ideas-based businesses with the aim of creating opportunities for IoT-related businesses. “From idea-based to proof-of-concept, Kashiwanoha Smart City wants to provide total support to create businesses. Kashiwanoha Smart City wants to introduce a new model as a city that solves such issues, “said Nishibayashi, who showed the future of the city.


Quelle/Source: The Miracle Tech, 28.12.2019

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