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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Tony Blair has pledged £6bn of public money to deliver high-speed Internet access to every school and doctor's surgery by 2006. Speaking at yesterday's one-day e-summit, a conference to discuss the government’s delivery of e-commerce and e-government initiatives, Mr Blair said the government was doing "well, but not well enough".

He said Britain is now only second to the United States in e-commerce use but admitted that the UK is lagging behind most of its industrial partners when it comes to rolling out broadband.

He said modernisation of services would “create significant public sector demand” for broadband Internet access. "That is why we will be establishing a new UK broadband taskforce to ensure that procurement has the maximum impact on the availability of broadband across the UK."

He also pointed out that broadband take-up was now rising towards 30,000 new users a week.

Quelle: Internet Magazine

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