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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Prime Minister Tony Blair will today admit the UK is unlikely to achieve its target of becoming the world leader in e-commerce this year. He will also announce billions of pounds are to be be poured into government initiatives in an effort to catch up.

Speaking at the first E-Summit, Mr Blair will tell an audience of e-government ministers from around the world that Britain is now second only to the US in encouraging businesses to update their working practices.

However, he will concede the gap with the US has widened.

Stephen Timms, the minister for e-commerce, told a new study from consultancy firm Booz Allen Hamilton showed the UK still lagged behind the US in implementing e-commerce and e-citizenship initiatives.

"It shows we've made a great deal of progress over the last two to three years but the US has also moved on a lot in that period. It's a significant finding," Mr Timms said.

Mr Blair will set out a new target for Britain to make high-speed broadband internet access available to all by 2005 and will set new take-up targets for the education, health and criminal justice systems.

Figures published earlier this year showed the UK came last among the G7 industrialised nations in the adoption of broadband.

In a major policy speech, Mr Blair will spell out how greater broadband access will provide invaluable for key public services, such as schools and hospitals, and will transform the lives of ordinary people.

A key new target is to connect all schools to broadband to coincide with the introduction of the digital curriculum.

Mr Blair has promised to pour £3bn from the public purse into e-government initiatives.

"That figure didn't include the e-government budgets for health and education, so the final figure is likely to be much higher," said Mr Timms.

Mr Blair will also point out that a proposal in the communications bill will allow local authorities to act as virtual internet service providers for the first time, leasing lines from BT to provide broadband services.

Mr Timms said the government was on track to achieve its goal of putting all government services online by 2005 but conceded more would have to be done to persuade the public to use them.

"All departments are really focused on this now," he said.

Quelle: Gardian Unlimited

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