The survey which was conducted amongst 300 IT decision-makers shows a lack of awareness of the requirement for the IT function and infrastructure to comply with IT standards and legal requirements. Of the 44%, half were only partly aware of IT standards and legal requirements, whilst the other half were neither aware of such requirements nor aware of the impact on IT.
Stefan Foster, Managing Director of NCC said, This is an alarming figure, indicating significant lapses in compliance and poor adoption of best practice. What is more shocking is the potential impact this will have on businesses who dont comply. The public sector will soon demand compliance as part of the tendering processes through initiatives such as e-Gif (e-Government Interoperability Framework). Larger corporates will also insist on compliance to standards so as to minimise risk in their supply chains, so non-complying IT functions beware you could affect the fundamentals of your business.
The Benchmark of IT Strategy 2005 provides an annual appraisal of current IT strategy and future trends. The survey which enables organisations to benchmark their IT strategy and supports effective IT decision making, will be published later this month.
Quelle: Publictechnology, 05.05.2005