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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Aberdeen and the north east finds itself at an economic crossroads.

Key sectors have absorbed huge damage due to Covid-19. Now is the opportunity to reassess and build for the future.

The Aberdeen Economic Policy Panel has already focused its mind on a “clear route-map for change”.

The region, it insists, needs to “reimagine itself as a place to live, work, invest and do business and in doing so, build much greater resilience into the local economy”.

The north east must strengthen its technology ecosystem “to support the establishment of new businesses and improve the digital infrastructure”.

Also of vital importance is an updated skills strategy, principally for young people, that “takes account of the existing skills gaps”.

If Aberdeen is to embrace a digital future, it must focus on digital skills and learning, connected communities and transforming services for all citizens.

These are the threads of a new digital fabric that can change the way communities in the north-east live and interact with local authorities, schools, and each other.

Together they can provide a strategy for recovery against a backdrop of fiscal challenges caused by the pandemic, and create a talented digital workforce capable of delivering them.

Central to all are universality of access and equality of attainment in education. CGI has created a unique digital solution to transform learning and teaching in schools called Empowered Learning.

It offers every student the same access to the same great digital tools for learning, while supporting digital learning and teach strategy. Empowered Learning allows educators, learners and parents to take advantage of digital technology opportunities.

In Glasgow, this programme - known as Connected Learning - is one of the largest single city implementations in Europe, and fits with CGI’s core commitment to communities, partnerships and STEM, providing young people with a passion for technology and hunger to learn.

A deal with Edinburgh was signed just last month, and will see the deployment of 39,000 iPads to 36,000 pupils and 3,000 teachers in more than 120 schools.

In the Scottish Borders, known as Inspire Learning, all pupils from P4 to S6 in every school has access to their own device, providing an ideal blended learning environment during the pandemic, with more than 90% engagement.

Another driver of digital excellence is apprenticeships. CGI has a Graduate Apprenticeships Programme in partnership with Glasgow Caledonian University and Edinburgh Napier University.

Currently, there are 13 graduate apprentices in Scotland studying towards a BSC Honours - in Software Development at Glasgow Caledonian and IT Management for Business at Napier - while also developing their career working on real-life projects at CGI, with a paid starting salary of £19,000.

These apprentices are not only the key to the future of our business, but also the tech sector in Scotland.

With a skilled workforce in place, cities and authorities can then drive forward real digital change for their communities, and fulfil ‘smart city’ ambitions.

From schools to social care, health and wellbeing, finance, proactive maintenance, recycling, route optimisation and smart vehicles, life will be different, better and technologically-driven, with citizens at its heart.

What is more, this new technology will mean a virtual world that delivers benefits back to authorities in the north-east, and create the right environment for a new, digital economic recovery.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Lindsay McGranaghan

Quelle/Source:, 26.05.2021

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