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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
New independent research by Kable, commissioned by BT, reveals that the public sector is ready to share services with other public sector organisations that have the same structure and mission — regardless of location. Over 70 per cent of survey respondents agreed that common processes are more important than geographic factors in the success of shared services. Public Services Network (PSN) has the potential to find significant efficiency savings.

Taking off with a bang - BT, reveals that the public sector is ready to share services with other public sector organisations.

A night with an autumnal bite. Excited children bundled in hats and gloves. Lots of ooooohs, aaaahhhhs and magical moments.

On the flip side, around 1,000 people visit A&E for treatment of a firework-related injury in the four weeks around every Bonfire Night; half of those visits will be by children and teens. Sparklers five times hotter than cooking oil; rockets reaching speeds of 150mph; homemade fireworks thrown in the street; untended bonfires spreading to houses — 5 November makes for a busy time for our frontline emergency services.

Logically, we all understand the need for cuts in public sector spending, but occasions like Bonfire Night highlight the necessity of holding on to our frontline services. We need to look deeper, look beyond the obvious service cuts to find a better, more plentiful source of cost-efficiency savings.

PSN — the Public Services Network — has the potential to find significant efficiency savings.

Sceptics might say that this potential has been around for a while but has yet to be realised. However the reality is that PSN has been evolving — quietly and behind the scenes — for some time, with considerable success.

And now there’s evidence of a seismic shift in PSN thinking around shared services that can, potentially, unlock even greater efficiency savings.

New independent research by Kable, commissioned by BT, reveals that the public sector is ready to share services with other public sector organisations that have the same structure and mission — regardless of location. Over 70 per cent of survey respondents agreed that common processes are more important than geographic factors in the success of shared services.

Breaking through the barrier that PSN is predominantly about sharing services with other local public sector organisations creates a golden opportunity for PSN. Via national shared services, PSN has greater scope to realise savings on a scale sufficient to keep the firefighters, paramedics and police officers ready to help next Bonfire Night — as well as all the other vital aspects of public services in place that we rely upon without knowing.

There’s so much happening in the PSN area right now so find out more at


Quelle/Source: PR Web, 12.11.2012

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