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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
At the fifth annual Visa International Government Services Conference (IGSC) in Edinburgh, Scotland, five leading-edge technology companies showcased their solutions to enhance the security and technology capacity of government operations.

Visa recognizes that one top priority for governments today is deploying effective solutions and best practices for key areas such as security and IT efficiency. For the first time, the Visa IGSC is highlighting new solutions that governments and commercial issuers can use to protect critical data assets as they implement Visa payment and other e-government initiatives. In addition to safeguarding procurement and employee travel payments, other key areas include disbursements of payroll and employee benefits, retirement funds, subsidies, scholarships, health benefits, and incentives and loans to small businesses.

The conference and its Technology Showcase are part of a global drive by Visa to bring added efficiency and innovation to governments, and included exhibits by Arcot Systems; Information Security Systems & Services, Inc. (iS3); Kabira Technologies, Inc.; nCircle Network Security, Inc.; and Tripwire, Inc. As governments around the world seek to implement electronic services, security and IT efficiency continue to pose major challenges, said Sarah Perry, senior vice president, Strategic Alliances and Investments, Visa International. We believe these partner companies provide key technologies to significantly advance critical e-government initiatives.

Visa's IGSC Technology Showcase highlighted the following companies that can help to safeguard government data systems even as they grow in scale, including:

  • Securing e-business transactions. Arcot Systems demonstrated new technologies to authenticate payers and provide digital identities for Internet-based applications. This is important for governments as they implement electronic payments, deploy enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and develop e-commerce systems for their stakeholders-from taxpayers to preferred suppliers.
  • Secure management of digital credentials. Governments require airtight security platforms while reducing the complexity of managing them. iS3 (i-s-cubed) provides technologies for the generation and management of confidential information, such as digital keys and security certificates, personal identification numbers (PINs), and the secure delivery of security components to network-connected devices.
  • Securing data networks from external attack. For governments seeking to minimize their exposure to network intrusion, nCircle has automated the process of proactively identifying and eliminating network vulnerabilities to prevent hacking, data theft, or network sabotage.
  • Identifying unauthorized system changes. Controlling system changes is a paramount concern for governments as they reduce risk and manage security. Tripwire closes the loop on change and configuration management by ensuring the overall integrity of the process.
  • Managing large-scale data processing. As major government agencies deploy IT systems for real-time services-from taxation and vehicle registration to national air traffic and healthcare systems-they face the challenge of managing data volume. Kabira Technologies has developed patented solutions to help large organizations manage high-volume, high-speed, real-time data processing.
Stated Perry, As technology increasingly drives every aspect of business, a focus on security and IT efficiency is crucial to the success of every organization, especially governments. Visa is committed to identifying and creating partnerships around new best-of-breed technologies that deliver value to our stakeholders as we help them do business anywhere, anytime, and any way. This is Visa's vision for the future of payments-a vision we call universal commerce or u-commerce.

Quelle: TMCnet

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