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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
ICT deal will provide shared services for local government and health services

Cornwall council has issued a tender worth up to £800m on behalf of itself and three local health organisations for a wide range of equipment and services, including ICT.

According to a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union, Cornwall council, Peninsula community health, Royal Cornwall hospitals trust and Cornwall partnership foundation trust are seeking an "innovative and incremental strategic partnership" with a company or consortium. The council revealed its plans to set up a "trading joint services venture" with a private firm in August.

Initially one strand of work will focus on projects to create shared support services for the council and health partners, while the other will focus on establishing a trading vehicle. The value range has been estimated at between £210m and £800m.

"The strategic partner will provide transformational services for a defined range of projects and establish a trading vehicle," says the notice. "Subsequent phases will include the delivery of additional in-scope projects, subject to business case approval."

The contract will be signed for a minimum of 10 years, with an option to extend for a further five years. "Over this period we hope to establish a competitive trading vehicle that wins contracts to deliver support services for other organisations," says the notice.

The projects covered by the contract are for a common ICT infrastructure; joined-up procurement and commissioning support; document management; customer access, to include websites and contact centres; to review and support the implementation of innovative and "lean" processes; an integrated internal helpdesk; and integrated IT solutions.

The council describes this as a "complex procurement", and says that specific solutions are not yet defined and will form part of the competitive dialogue process.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Gill Hitchcock

Quelle/Source: The Guardian, 07.11.2011

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