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Cabinet Office calls for government departments to move to shared services model

In line with this, the Cabinet Office had a commitment in the Cabinet Office Business Plan to publish a model for Whitehall shared services in July 2011.

According to the document, the Department for Work and Pensions, the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice have already made respective savings of £35m per year, £13m and £20m through their back-office shared services centre.

“To ensure we maintain our trajectory to reduce the deficit, by achieving sustainable savings and making government efficient, we must simplify and standardise back office services and functions,” the Cabinet Office says in an introduction to the strategy.

The Cabinet Office’s lessons learnt from shared services to date:

Independence is important to incentivise a better quality of services at a lower cost.

Delivery of shared services is not a core government skill and bringing in operational and commercial expertise is vital to improving current capability.

Smaller organisations need an affordable solution as recruiting a bespoke service can be expensive.

Shared services should be thought as comprising a range of key components that influence cost and require standardisation, such as infrastructure, IT platform, ERP, business change, and business processes.

Strong governance is essential and efficiency gains are proportional to the level of mandation in the use of shared services.


Quelle/Source: sourcingfocus, 01.08.2011

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