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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A report by the communications regulator Ofcom has revealed that just 42 per cent of the public have used the internet for e-government services.

In a survey undertaken for the report, 42 per cent admitted using e-government services to search for information about government or local council services, or used online services such as paying for road tax or registering for Child Tax Credits. This figure rose to 55 per cent among people who have internet access at home.

People surveyed in areas of "multiple deprivation", meaning areas facing social, economic or housing issues, had a much lower usage figure. Just 15 per cent of this group said they had used the internet for e-government services.

The reason for the lack of usage, the report said, was general lack of awareness. In deprived areas, 72 per cent of people did not know of the facilities available to them and in more affluent areas this figure fell to just under a third.

A lack of confidence in their skills was the reason 40 per cent of people from deprived areas avoided using online public services. 46 per cent said they did not trust the internet for such activities.


Quelle/Source: Public Service, 24.03.2009

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