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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Government departments will be charged for improvements to e-services

The Office of the e-Envoy (OeE) is to start invoicing departments for improvements to e-government services from September. The OeE, which is responsible for getting all government services online by 2005, will begin to charge for work carried out after the Capital Modernisation Fund (CMF) comes to an end.

The CMF was created to fund projects for a two-year period which is due to end in September.

Chris Hancock, director of knowledge management at the OeE, told "Next year we will be invoicing out large sums to government departments for our services. The costs should be [invoiced to] where the savings are made."

A spokewoman for the OeE added: "It was always the intention that after the two-year CMF for developing cross-department platforms was used, the work would be charged to individual departments."

Quelle: Vnunet

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