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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Councils in England are beginning to see the benefits and far-reaching implications of e-government, but a lack of sufficient skills and understanding across their organisations is hindering their progress, a new government report has found. Research commissioned by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, which surveyed every English local authority, claims to have found widespread evidence that e-government is having a positive impact on access to council information and services, increasing the take-up of local services and encouraging flexible working. However it also shows that many are less convinced on whether e-government is helping to reduce the costs and staff time involved in providing information - with most reporting no change at all and one in five noting their costs have actually increased.

A key issue for local authorities highlighted by the report is the capacity of council officers and elected members to understand and deliver e-government, with almost three quarters identifying skills gaps, particularly in change management. Over half of councils report their officers lack the ability to evaluate or analyse the costs and benefits of e-government projects, and almost seven out of ten councils said members do not appreciate how e-government contributes to their strategic objectives. Notably, almost one in five local authorities said a lack of leadership and drive from chief executives, members or senior officers was creating difficulties when trying to set up e-government partnerships. Furthermore, around half have found that incompatible IT systems can cause problems when trying to work with other organisations.

Key findings from the survey include:

  • Only 20 per cent of all councils present multi-lingual information via their e-enabled access channels, although the figure is higher for London Boroughs
  • 37 per cent of local authorities - representing 101 councils - do not have a corporate eGovernment strategy in addition to their Implementing Electronic Government (IEG) statement; a further 27 per cent are developing one
  • Virtually all authorities now have senior officer and elected member e-champions
  • 21 per cent are currently developing a dedicated, comprehensive training programme for e-government
  • Almost three-quarters have procedures in place to measure improvements in internal efficiencies due to eGovernment
  • 84 per cent turn to external organisations for advice on procuring IT systems - most often from other local authorities or the private sector; a third seek advice from three or more different organisations
  • 68 per cent of councils consult other local authorities when drawing up eGovernment strategies or IEG statements
  • Few local authorities do not provide access to an intranet for any of its officers and members
  • London Boroughs tend to provide IT facilities to a higher proportion of their officers and members than all other types of authority
  • 91 per cent work in partnerships with other local authorities in relation to eGovernment; districts tend to form partnerships with their county councils
  • Most county councils and unitaries now have eGovernment partnerships with private technology suppliers
  • Local authorities are divided over whether suppliers actually understand their requirements when procuring e-systems and services
  • Around half are making efforts to involve local businesses in developing their eGovernment programme
  • 57 per cent state they are developing arrangements to monitor the impact of eGovernment on levels of public involvement; a third report an increase in public participation.
"Local authorities recognise the objectives and potential benefits of eGovernment, particularly in terms of service delivery, and understand the challenges that eGovernment presents", the report concludes. "They are however, cautious about making radical and costly changes.

"This coupled with current capacity constraints may explain why many local authorities seem to favour a piecemeal approach to the implementation of eGovernment and are making changes in a more ad-hoc and informal way."

Findings from the survey will feed into a detailed evaluation of eGovernment processes which is due to be published in the Autumn.

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Quelle: europemedia

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