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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Bristol City Council has awarded a contract to Mayrise Systems for the latest generation computerised system to manage council cleansing services. The system will be part of a Web-integrated IT solution for the council's new Customer Services Centre being set up for council's Neighbourhood and Housing Services Department. Used initially for managing refuse & recycling collections the MAYRISETM system will be quickly extended to other applications such as street cleansing, building cleaning and abandoned vehicles. MAYRISE is being linked to a FrontLine Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system from Lagan that records incoming calls and will enable the Customer Services officer to answer 80% of the calls at the point of contact.

Mayrise has developed an open CRM interface that includes Web-integration using XML. Call centre operators using FrontLine can immediately see details held in MAYRISE through a totally transparent interface. Services will be integrated in a 2 phase approach between the CRM system and MAYRISE

Bristol is a fast evolving city that has become a favourite location for banking, insurance and high tech industries. The Customer Service Centre is part of the council's Customer Focus Strategy and the aim is to make the new centre a model of best practice, dealing with 80% of customers' calls at the first point of contact.

MAYRISE and FrontLine will link to the council's Land and Property Gazetteer so all enquiries are matched to a common address database. This ensures trouble-free interchange on data in line with 'joined up' government and also links to the national dataset, the National Land and Property gazetteer (NLPG).

"We needed a system that could manage a broad range of council cleansing services and the Mayrise system had all the functionality needed as well as being affordable and easy to use. At the same time Mayrise has made integration with the CRM system relatively straightforward and will form a key part of the IT solution needed to make the CSC a success" says Chris Williams, Project Manager at Bristol City Council.

MAYRISE is a complete management system that holds all asset and service information and is used to schedule and monitor different council services. The software automates many administrative tasks and eliminates paperwork through on-screen forms and electronic communication.

Quelle: Environmental Data Interactive

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