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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The UK government has been slipping down the charts this week. Not the hit parade, of course, but consultant Accenture's fourth annual e-government survey, which shows the UK dropping two places in the worldwide rankings to eighth, after being overtaken by Finland and Hong Kong. Canada remains "head and shoulders" above the rest, according to Accenture. The problem, it seems, is that despite laying strong foundations with the UK Online portal and the Government Gateway, the British public doesn't use the services.

One of the solutions would be to involve the private sector more in the delivery of online government services.These are the brands that Joe Public knows and trusts, and maybe offering some services through banks or other organisations would improve take-up.

And spammers, who definitely have got the hang of selling online, have been using the internet to capitalise on the paranoia and fear about the war in Iraq to flood inboxes with offers for everything from gas masks to water filters.

Quelle: Vnunet

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