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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Local authorities awarded for best practice in using IT in services Seven local authorities have been received government commendation for their IT developments.

The award scheme has been run for the last four years, but this year's included for the first time the category of improving social inclusion through ICT, and seven authorities were awarded 'Beacon' status.

Rod Matthews, head of information society technology at one of the newly named IT Beacons, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, said: "This is the first time Beacon status has been given for IT strategies and proves its growing importance."

The seven IT frontrunners were Cambridgeshire County Council, Derwentside District Council, East Cambridgeshire District Council, Huntingdonshire District Council, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Liverpool City Council and Sunderland City Council.

Criteria included achieving wider participation in online services, increasing local ICT skills and support levels, growing the number of new users of online services, providing sustainable and flexible provisions driven by customers and expanding the community's involvement in ICT activities and online services.

As award winners the councils will receive a small amount of additional funds, but it is "more about recognition", said Matthews. "It shows that the government knows and has seen what we are doing," he added.

The IT Beacons will work with the Improvement and Development Agency to share their knowledge and experience at events to be held in Summer 2004.

Matthews said the beacon scheme would help local authorities model their e-government developments. "We are committed to helping others learn, and to learning more from others," he added.

Local government minister Nick Raynsford described the work as illustrating best practice for local government services.

He said: "The Beacons selected are great examples of how good services can make a real difference to people's lives."

He added that the Beacons were important to support other authorities in achieving equally high levels.

Quelle: Vnunet

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