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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Warwickshire County Council is offering a new service for local groups and communities to publish their own website. This free-of-charge service is in association with the council for voluntary services and Warwick rural community council.

Anyone interested can apply online to

Once applicants meet the basic eligibility criteria they can start creating their own site using the easy-to-use content creation software accessed securely with a user name and password. Setting up this service is a target in the multi-agency Strategic Plan for Warwickshire. Warwickshire communities contributes to several themes in the strategy: education and lifelong learning, community involvement and information and access to services.

Ian Litton, e-government project manager, said: "I realised there are a lot of organisations out there that don't have a web presence at all. It's difficult for them to get started unless they happen to have a computer expert in the group and the web terminology can be quite off-putting for people who don't understand it.

"We chose a system with simple software that is as easy as possible for web newcomers to navigate but which also allows confident users to build more sophisticated web pages if required."

Anyone interested in setting up their own website can apply online or contact the Warwickshire communities webmaster at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

Quelle: The Courier

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