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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A total of 48 projects that will be taken forward through local and national partnerships have secured funding under the latest round of the Treasury's Invest to Save Budget (ISB) programme. ISB funding is targeted at initiatives promoting joint-working between public sector organisations to develop innovative ways of delivering services. The successful bids include a E3.7m (£2.5m) project by the Cabinet Office to develop generic electronic forms for citizen-focused transactional services; E4.3m (£2.9m) to build Guidestar UK, a website reporting the activities, finances and performance of UK voluntary organizations; E3m (£2m) for Vanguard, a Home Office e-policing project enabling the public to report crimes online and providing secure e-communication links with partner agencies; a E3m (£2m) grant to modernise the way the British Library supplies documents to its customers through IT and improve its existing web services; and E1.6m (£1.1m) to create the UK's first internet-based equipment service for disabled people, which is due to go live in Hampshire next year.

Winning project bidders are required to agree an implementation plan with the Treasury and Cabinet Office, as well as provide six-monthly progress reports. Commenting on the awards, Cabinet Office Minister Lord Macdonald, said, "The Invest to Save Budget is a guiding light for our programme of public sector reform. It is all about innovation - the little ideas that can lead to big changes in the way we get access to the sort of public services we rely on in our daily lives."

It is perhaps the final time that local eGovernment projects will feature significantly in the ISB allocations, given that as of January this year, the scheme no longer accepted eGovernment bids from councils - the Treasury apparently being of the view that they are already receiving sufficient funding through other channels.

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