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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
ECM tools will create a better democracy in the west country

A Cornish council website is aiming to encourage citizens of the council to get involved with local politics. North Cornwall District Council (NCDC) has launched and will encourage citizens to join the portal and local political issues.

Cornish residents will be encouraged to register their details on to council website to receive the latest information from the authority about issues and services. "Online consultations on subjects that interest the citizen will become commonplace," said David Witts, ICT head at NCDC, "And it is easier to request a service via an online form."

Witts said the portal will be developed throughout 2006 to become a focal point for citizens to carry out transactions and interactions with the council. "E-government (read here for further details) and now the Gershon Efficiency agenda is challenging councils to see how they can transact their business in more modern, efficient and effective ways," he said. Witts believes that initiative such as this will entice more people to become involved in local democracy.

To develop this new relationship with its citizens, NCDC has created a new website that integrates both enterprise content management (ECM) and customer relationship management (CRM) software tools at the council. Now each team that provides a council service has the responsibility to update and keep its part of the website accurate.

Witts and NCDC selected the Goss ECM Suite application. Witts said the challenge to councils and ECM providers was whether citizens used a site following a content management implementation.

Autor: Mark Chillingworth

Quelle: Information World Review, 14.12.2005

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