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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Government has detailed its 'Digital Challenge', which provides a financial incentive for a region or city to promote technologies to improve life for its local community and citizens.

Any local authority, in partnership with other authorities, public sector organisations, industry, and the voluntary sector, can take part.

A prospectus gives details of the information and communications technology (ICT) challenge, which will reward the outright and regional winning entries with significant additional funding.

Government and industry have provided more than £7 million, to go to the Digital Challenge winner, as well as 10 regional finalists who will each receive £200,000.

Jim Fitzpatrick, Minister responsible for local e-government at the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, said: “The Digital Challenge ... has the potential to bring real change to peoples lives through the innovative use of ICT. It will also act as beacon for service providers, Government, and the rest of the ICT community on how they can make a real difference to ordinary people's lives.”

The winning bid will be able to show how they will use ICT to give new choice, voice and empowerment to citizens; it should be about enabling citizens to participate in their communities, as well as gaining access to services.

Quelle: National Grid for Learning,, 14.12.2005

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