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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A partnership of 25 local authorities in the North East select Hedra and iNovem to provide Local e-Democracy software and services

North East Connects, the North East Local e-Government Partnership, has accepted Hedra as one of the providers on a framework agreement to help their members increase citizen engagement through the supply of Local e-Democracy software and related services. The project is funded by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM). It is tasked with promoting proven software and helping to drive the Councils forward in implementing their e-Democracy projects. This project is likely to become a best practice model for the UK which is already considered to be a world leader in the area of e-Democracy.

In support of this agreement with North East Connects, Hedra have teamed with iNovem, a leading e-Democracy solutions provider to the UK public sector. iNovem’s software is currently being used by a number of local authorities to manage the consultations of local strategic partnerships and facilitate feedback via online citizen’s panels.

iNovem’s eConsult software will form part of the suite of tools available to councils in the North East in their drive to provide greater public involvement in local decision making and enhance the representative role of councillors through use of technology.

David Harker, Hedra’s Local Government Director, commented “We are looking forward to working with North East Connects to improve local democracy in the North East. We are aware of the need for local authorities to move quickly to meet their electronic government targets for democratic renewal. By teaming with iNovem, we are well positioned to help the partnership’s Councils meet their short-term objectives and to assist them develop a sustainable strategy for community engagement and partnership working.”

Quelle: eGov monitor, 21.11.2005

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