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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council is planning streamline its Benefits system to cut mistakes and fraud.

The local authority is piloting a new system which uses technology to simplify the process for claimants and free up staff to root out false claims.

The initiative is backed by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, and Rotherham was chosen to take the lead on it because of RBT (Connect) Ltd, the partnership between the council and BT.

Software specially developed in Rotherham by RBT means that for the first time claimants can check their eligibility for any or all of 61 Benefits available from different agencies at a single point.

The aim is to share details between these agencies, cutting down on paperwork, errors, and freeing staff to tackle the problem of fraudulent claims.

The successful pilot is expected to be extended to other local authorities.

Work going on in Rotherham will help address the findings of an investigation by the cross-party commons Public Accounts Committee, published October 11.

RBT’s Chief Executive, Brian James, said: “Joined-up government is a key driver across local and central public sectors and, as the Public Accounts Committee’s report shows, we’ve got a long way to go. But e-Benefits being piloted in Rotherham does just that - it joins up local and central benefits systems.”

Mark Evans, Programme Manager for the e-Benefits National Project said this was being achieved in Rotherham through the pilot scheme for benefits administered by the local authority.

“Customers can come into the council offices and as soon as we have established they are who they say they are, the whole process is done electronically.

“The information is there for other agencies, and for the first time it is a streamlined service. In future people won’t have to make different applications for different benefits. It will involve a single visit and a single electronic claims form.

“The process is simpler, quicker and easier, instances of fraud and over-payment are drastically cut, and benefits take-up increased for the people who are entitled to them.”

Rotherham is now in the process of compiling a case study to show the success of the scheme to Government, including the Department for Work and Pensions.

More than 50 local authorities have already expressed an interest in following Rotherham’s example.

The council’s Benefits Service has already been praised for major improvements, which have included modernisation of IT systems, more straight-forward claims forms, and quicker, more accurate processing of claims. It has been shortlisted for a number of national awards.

Quelle: Publictechnology, 28.10.2005

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