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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

North West council says digital transformation has reduced contact centre Smart use of technology as part of a digital transformation effort is leading to better citizen engagement at Pendle Borough Council, claims the Town Hall.

Read more: GB: England: Lancashire: Digital Transformation in Action – Pendle Borough Council

More cities are looking to charge drivers for entering congested areas, which can help pay for municipal improvements in a low-risk way.

Several cities in the United Kingdom are looking to initiate smart projects to improve the efficiency of local services, enhance sustainability, and develop their competitiveness. Smart city developments improve the ‘livability’ of a city, helping support economic and business growth.

Read more: GB: How road pricing and asset finance make a 'smart' environment

And doesn't get a look-in on top 10 most cyber-conscious nations

The UK has fallen off its perch at the top of the UN’s biennial e-government ranking, dropping three places.

The survey, which compares trends in digital government across countries, rated Denmark as the most developed – a big jump from its previous ninth place.

Read more: UK slides from first to fourth in UN e-gov survey

City centre improvement group NE1 says digital improvements are needed to help businesses stay ahead of competition

Newcastle is leading a new industrial revolution with a growing reputation as a centre for digital, software and technological innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.

The city is not a newcomer to this frontrunner position and has long been known as a centre of innovation and technological advancement.

Read more: GB: Newcastle aims to become digital city to head next industrial revolution

The first innovation loans have been offered to 13 businesses improving smart cities and transport and working on the challenges of accelerating urbanisation and climate change.

The global smart infrastructure market those businesses will be operating in is estimated to be worth £1.2 trillion per year by 2025.

Read more: GB: Smart City Movers Get Innovation Boost

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