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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Countries of Eurasia including Russia and Central Asia may explore creating a common digital platform for the exchange of technological solutions, patents, and innovative ideas between the Eurasian countries. India, a leader in the digital world, may play a key part in this process.

The idea was mooted by Kazakhstan's Prime Minister Alikhan last week (February 2) at the plenary session of the Digital Almaty 2024 Forum. The Indian Envoy to Kazakhstan also addressed the Forum.

Read more: Eurasian states may explore creation of a common digital platform for sharing solutions and best...

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated efforts to integrate electronic patient records into healthcare facilities across Kyrgyzstan

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, some Eurasian nations were better prepared than others to respond to the crisis and ensure the delivery of essential public services-including healthcare and education. The key differentiator was their level of digital resilience. Estonia, a country that brands itself as 'the first fully digital republic' has the world's most advanced e-government along with a dynamic start-up community. Right at the onset of the pandemic, the government launched a global hackathon to incubate and scale practical solutions. Estonia's digital responses to COVID-19 were successful because of the country's digital maturity, including lessons learned from past experience.

Read more: World Bank: Digital resilience is key to post-COVID recovery in Eurasia

For just a minute, forget the border quarrels and conflicting territorial claims and imagine a super-connected Eurasia — a continent with an interconnected network of not just roads, high-speed trains and aviation routes but also close economic, trade and energy ties as well as digital connections.

Then imagine just how such close links would spur this immense region’s growth and development, bringing education, health and financial resources to billions of people. The digital economy, including cross-border E-commerce, would flourish, boosting trade within the region.

Read more: ASEM and the dream of a connected Eurasia

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