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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Congo can now boost its growth with the IT and communications sector. Indeed, on May 2, 2019, the national strategy for the development of a digital economy was approved during a ministerial council. Soon, the related decree will be promulgated.

According to Léon Juste Ibombo, the minister of posts, telecommunications and digital economy, the strategy defines Congo’s digital vision till 2025. It focuses on three sections namely E-citizenship, E-government and E-business.

This strategy is notably aimed at facilitating equal access to digital services, developing new expertise and innovative activities that create added-value. It also wants to modernize the usages and practices in public institutitons as well as develop digital contents. In the framework of that strategy, digital good governance principles will be created, security and privacy protection guaranteed. That way, Congo engages in digital innovation thus becoming a cyber-reference in the Central African region.

Congo started the elaboration of that strategy in 2018. After its elaboration, it was validated by actors in March 2018 before being presented to various government institutions.


Quelle/Source: Ecofin Agency, 07.05.2019

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