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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government of Tonga is set to create a National Information Network to improve communication and coordination among different government departments, The Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) said in an official statement.

Together with the Huawei Technologies, a Chinese telecom, the government will build the network, which is exclusive for government departments, through a central electronic system. Other projects that are lined up will be facilitated community wide.

The project aims to cut out inter-departmental communication that could have otherwise circulated the globe before reaching their destinations, given the departments’ relative proximity, MIC stated.

Read more: Tonga to set up network to connect govt

Chinese telecom enterprise Huawei Technologies is the architect of Tonga’s central and national electronic infrastructure.

“The aim of e-government is to create a Tonga National Information Network to connect multiple arms of government through a central electronic system,” stated the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC).

According to the Secretary of MIC, Paula Ma‘u, Huawei is undertaking a survey of the infrastructure construct, and will make recommendations in a report to government on how to further the initiative.

Read more: TO: Chinese telecom is architect of Tonga’s e-government infrastructure

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