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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Seychelles is developing an innovative Digital Identity platform that is expected to be integrated with different national initiatives like eGovernment, eTourism and eHealth as the island nation further embraces a digital future.

The development of the platform will be through a pilot project ran over one year which follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) last week between Seychelles’ Department of Information Communications Technology (DICT) and WISeKey International Holding, a leading cybersecurity company in Switzerland.

Read more: Seychelles developing Digital Identity platform, a key building block for the Digital Economy

Entrepreneurs wishing to start a business in Seychelles may find it a little easier to get set up after the Seychelles Licensing Authority (SLA) announced the launch of its business licensing e-service yesterday.

According to a press statement issued by the SLA, the service was launched by the Minister for Finance, Trade & Investment, Pierre Laporte, at an event on Wednesday. The e-service project was developed by the Department of Information Communication Technology with assistance from the World Bank.

Read more: Another e-government service for Seychelles as business licensing applications go online

“IT is the future in this modern, evolving world. To me, this is the future: the new Seychelles we are creating."

President James Michel made the statement following his visit to the Department of Information Communications Technology (DICT) Open Day at Independence House today.

The President was accompanied by Vice President Danny Faure, who holds the portfolio for ICT and the Principal Secretary for DICT, Mr. Benjamin Choppy.

Read more: IT is the future of the new Seychelles

To promote knowledge-sharing to advance the development of information and communication technology (ICT) and e-Government, the government of Seychelles' Department of ICT is collaborating with the Commonwealth Secretariat to produce a case study of its e-Government program in January 2013. The aim is to share Seychelles' development experience with other small states in the Caribbean and the Pacific which have some similar characteristics with that of the Indian Ocean state.

The Principal Secretary, Mr. Benjamin Choppy, who is responsible for the Department of ICT (DICT) under which the e-Government portfolio falls, said that it is an honor and privilege for the work of DICT to be internationally recognized by the UN and the Commonwealth. “Especially when it is an all Seychellois team of whom many are still in their youth," he said.

Read more: Seychelles e-Government program to serve as Commonwealth ICT case study for Small Island Developing

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