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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Antonia Bogado: Pilot Plan Delivers Transparency, Removes Barriers to Access

Paraguayan officials have finally begun to digitize their justice system, and the South American nation climbed 27 places in the latest biennial UN E-Government Development Index. While the ranking of 95th remains behind the pack, it reflects both the challenges of a developing nation and the importance of addressing this shortcoming.

Antonia Bogado, a 25-year-old Paraguayan lawyer, explains that the emphasis since 2013 on ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) “aims to implement computerized procedures, meaning that eventually paper documents will be replaced by their digital versions. It seeks to take advantage of all available technology to institute justice more efficiently.”

Read more: E-Justice Is a Game Changer for Paraguay

Paraguay has created a new ICT Ministry in order to supervise its advancement in the IT services and software sector, which grew by 15 percent last year. The ministry will focus on formulating policies for the development of the sector and will create a road-map for future growth.

The new body will seek to support the efforts of local governments, research centers, universities, and the private sector in making use of ICT infrastructure to create jobs and economic opportunities. It will also carry out internet service programs as well as running the government’s e-governance initiatives.

Read more: Paraguay Founds ICT Ministry to Oversee Technological Growth

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, and the Minister of the Interior of Paraguay, Rafael Filizzola, today signed an agreement for the implementation of the program, “Efficient and Transparent Cities (MuNet e-Gobierno),” the goal of which is to modernize the state’s mechanisms to strengthen the institutional capabilities of local governments through the implementation of electronic government solutions to promote socioeconomic development in the region.

During the signing ceremony, held at Organization headquarters in Washington, DC, Secretary General Insulza highlighted that “our governments are making a great effort to modernize, develop, and use the technologies that are often used by the central governments but are not widely available yet in remote regions and cities.”

Read more: OAS and Paraguay Sign Agreement on Electronic Government Program for Cities

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