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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The new Progressive National Party (PNP) government said it will make doing business with government more modern and easier.

Acting Governor Anya Williams while delivering the Throne Speech on behalf of the Premier Washington Misick-led government at the officially opening of the new session of the House of Assembly, in Grand Turk, on Friday, March 5th, 2021, said that for most islanders, it is hard to do business with government.

Read more: TC: Public sector to be modernised

A "futuristic” long term development plan aimed at transforming Blue Hills into a modern ‘smart city’ will be created soon despite some setbacks.

That is according to Hon. Goldray Ewing, Minister of Home Affairs, Public Utilities and Transportation.

The minster’s Blue Hills Masterplan will include a redesign, repositioning and rezoning of the heavily populated community, he said.

Read more: TC: Blue Hills plan to turn community into a ‘smart city’

For employers, submitting National Health Insurance Plan payments is about to get a whole lot easier.

The National Health Insurance Board has launched a new web-based service where businesses can submit their contributions directly, with more options for making it faster and easier for an employer to get their information and payments to NHIP.

But the benefits don’t end there. NHIB CEO Brian Hogan tells the fp this is only the beginning of a new way for companies to operate in the TCI.

Read more: Turks and Caicos Islands: National Health Insurance Plan offers services for companies online

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