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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Benin’s government aims to accelerate the country's digital transformation, positioning it as a key driver of socio-economic development. A budget of CFA31 billion FCFA was allocated to the Ministry of Digitalization for FY2023.

Benin’s government is pursuing its digital transformation ambition. For FY2024, the government is planning to allocate up to CFA24.3 billion ($40.5 million) to the Ministry of Digitalization (MND). Minister Aurelie Adam Soulé Zoumarou (pictured) presented the budget to the National Assembly's Budget Committee on Monday, November 20.

Read more: Benin boosts digital transformation with $40.5m budget for 2024

Benin means business. The West African nation's arsenal of smart eGovernment tools is helping it remain open for business during the coronavirus pandemic.

Benin this month took its business registration processes 100% digital, setting up an efficient, new online single window that houses all regulatory processes needed to open a business in record time.

Read more: Benin takes business registration online at critical time

A recent investment of $695,431 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will provide new technology and ongoing support for the expansion—both geographic and functional—of mobile vaccine registry systems in health facilities in Benin, West Africa.

This investment will enable new health centers to receive the resources and training necessary to effectively integrate the VaxTrac system into their vaccination program with the goal of improving record-keeping practices, reducing vaccine waste, and improving schedule adherence, especially for children under the age of five.

Read more: Mobile biometrics support Benin vaccine programme

Benin’s Foreign Affairs and Cooperation ministry has announced new reforms on the issuance of passports, which are aimed at improving the services offered to citizens outside the country.Among the reforms announced on the government’s Facebook page is the issuance of passports in embassies and consulates, which until then instructed Beninese to return home to renew their travel documents.

The reforms also focus on reducing the time and cost of acquiring or renewing biometric passports for Beninese living abroad.

Read more: Beninese passport now processed and issued abroad

The World Bank Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$15 million (approximately CFAF 7.5 billion) grant to help Benin improve its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. This is a technical assistance grant that will cover the period between July 2010 and June 2015.

The new project, called "e-Benin,' proposes an integrated approach to development of the ICT sector, and takes into account its main dimensions the promotion of access to ICTs, enabling applications and e-business, and support to the IT industry.

Read more: World Bank Provides US$15 Million to Help Improve ICT Services and Promote e-Business in Benin

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