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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

In a bid to ensure an effective procurement system, the National Public Procurement Authority NPPA has on the 1st of March 2021 introduced the electronic procurement system to government, private and civil society organizations through a nationwide sensitization exercise in Kenema.

The Project Manager of the facility at Ministry of Finance, Adams Tommy told the gathering that the government wants to implement the electronic government procurement process as a way of managing government resources. "NPPA wants to use electronic printing machines not human beings," he said.

Read more: SL: NPPA introduces Electronic Procurement system

The Government of Sierra Leone wants to use technology to transform Sierra Leone into an innovation nation; in this regard, its Directorate of Science, Technology, and Innovation (DSTI Sierra Leone) has secured a new partnership with the e-Governance Academy of Estonia (eGA). The eGA is a global leader for digital transformation for central and local governments.

DSTI Sierra Leone and eGA have signed a three-year MoU to establish technical collaboration on e-governance for public service delivery and administration in Sierra Leone.

Read more: DSTI Sierra Leone signs a new partnership with e-Governance Academy of Estonia

Sierra Leone’s Deputy Minister of information and Communications, Hon. Cornelius Deveaux has on Thursday 2nd June, 2016 unlocked Sierra Leone’s Information Communications and Technology(ICT) potentials in Geneva, Switzerland. He revealed the APC government of President Koroma has invested over US$ 1m in establishing the structures for a sustainable digital economy. He also confirmed that the government’s vision is to leverage ICT as a reliable, accessible and affordable service.

Hon. Deveaux further said the country needs to double its pace in catching up with the trends in leveraging the development and use of information communications technology services and applications for national security, job creation and socio economic growth vis-à-vis, for the successful implementation of the Agenda for Prosperity. He made this statement as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) concludes its Council 2016 meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.

Read more: SL: APC Deputy Information Minister Unlocks ICT Potentials In Geneva

In a bid to reduce reckless spending during procurement by the Government of Sierra Leone, an Information Communication Technology (ICT) system is to be developed to weed out weak paper base procurement procedures.

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development in collaboration with the National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) with support from the World Bank yesterday organized a one day conference on E-Government Procurement System at the Miatta Conference Hall in Freetown.

Several stakeholders from the public and the private sector attended the E-Procurement conference on the theme “enhancing public procurement efficiency a case for E-Government procurement.”

Read more: SL: E -Procurement to reduce reckless spending in Govt.

Keynote address by His Excellency the President, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, at the launching of the e-Governance Platform for effective and efficient service delivery at the Miatta Conference Centre, Freetown, Thursday 24th March, 2016.


Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Ladies and gentlemen,

We live in a new world; a world that has become increasingly smaller and interconnected; we live in a world in which the needs of our citizens and the ways to address them have become more complex; we live in the world of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS). In this new world, physical boundaries are no longer an impediment to national development, information and knowledge are no longer restricted to a few privileged people, government and the private sector can no longer do business as usual. ICTs have led to a significant evolution in the pattern and posture of governance towards a more citizen-centric and result-oriented system.

Read more: SL: President Koroma launches e-Governance Platform

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