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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Entrepreneur's Desk (Balcão do Empreendedor - BdE, in Portuguese), a national electronic one-stop shop that enables the completion of administrative formalities for businesses, has recently become available via the Business Portal.

BdE serves as a single access point for integrated information presented in a simple and uniform manner on 462 services that are required in carrying out over 450 business activities, of which 130 can be performed completely online. Any citizen or EU Member State national who wishes to start a business in Portugal can obtain information about the necessary procedures, ranging from tax and social security obligations to business setup and operation.

Read more: PT: Entrepreneur's Desk available through Business Portal

The statement of unemployment benefits (Declaração de Situação de Subsídio de Desemprego, in Portuguese), which provides proof of benefits being given to a beneficiary in Portugal, can now be sent over the Internet.

According to a Social Security press release issued on 5 August 2011, this eService is available through the 'Social Security Direct ePortal' (Segurança Social Directa, in Portuguese). To obtain their statement, beneficiaries can simply access the 'Unemployment benefits' and 'Issuance of statement of unemployment benefit status' menus and select the 'issue statement' option.

Read more: PT: New social security eService - Statement of unemployment benefits issued

Between November 2010 and 10 June 2011, 452 new online services became available on the national eGovernment portals aimed at citizens (Portal do Cidadão, in Portuguese) and businesses (Portal da Empresa, in Portuguese) respectively. In the same period, 205 existing services were restructured while 223 were removed.

This initiative aims to render the information for citizens and businesses simpler, clearer and more accessible. This has been the mission of the Agency for Administrative Modernisation (Agência para a Modernização Administrativa - AMA, in Portuguse) in collaboration with various government entities.

Read more: PT: eGovernment portals for citizens and businesses provide more and better quality eServices

On 1 August 2011, electronic prescriptions (ePrescriptions) became mandatory for medicines reimbursed by the State.

Exceptional situations where manual prescriptions can continue to be used are laid down in Article 9, Paragraph 2 of Ministerial Order no. 198/2011 of 18 May 2011.

Read more: PT: ePrescriptions mandatory since 1 August 2011

On 7 June 2011, the Portuguese Open Source Business Association (Associação de Empresas de Software Open Source Portuguesas - ESOP, in Portuguese) organised an event under the theme of 'Open Source and Open Standards in the Public Administration - Contribution to the growth of the Portuguese economy'. Politicians in attendance reached a cross-party consensus on the issue of open source and open standards in the Public Administration (PA).

Gonçalo Caseiro, Member of the Board of the Agency for the Public Services Reform (Agência para a Modernização Administrativa - AMA, in Portuguese), gave a presentation that addressed the issues of interoperability, open standards and open source in the PA, the AMA's perspective on these issues, and provided examples of actions taken in recent years within the PA.

Read more: PT: Consensus among political parties on open source and open standards in the Public Administration

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