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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

NRD Companies, a global IT and consulting group specializing in e-governance, has finished developing an action plan for implementing a unique ID system in four Member States of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS): the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The OECS unique ID System seeks to facilitate cross-border movement of people and goods and refine e-governance systems.

The new strategy outlines the necessary steps for the development of a single unique identifier issued to all citizens and residents of the OECS Member States. This will strengthen the civil registry processes and the issuance of national ID cards. The OECS unique ID System will also enhance citizens’ identification when travelling throughout the OECS Economic Union Area (EUA), which is important for granting indefinite stay entry at the official border and securing access to essential public services like education and health care throughout the economic union Member States.

Read more: Unique ID Strategy for OECS Countries Prepared to Strengthen Cross-Border Movement

Antigua & Barbuda will stand on the sidelines and observe as four other OECS nations jump on board the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank’s newly introduced first ever Tax E-Filing system in the OECS Secretariat.

Carolyn Francis of the OECS Secretariat said on Sunday, via the Observer Radio program Big Issues, that the program would see the implementation of a front-end tax e-filing system for OECS countries like Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent & the Grenadines.

Read more: New OECS Tax E-Filing System Launches Today

The Government of Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincent and St. Lucia have secured financing from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank for the implementation of the OECS (rganisation of Eastern Caribbean States) Electronic Government Regional Integration Project (EGRIP).

The objective of EGRIP is to promote efficiency, quality, and transparency of public services through the delivery of regionally integrated e-government applications that take advantages of economies of scale.

Among the objectives of component one of the OECS-EGRIP are to strengthen and harmonize national and regional e-government processes, operational ICT platforms and framework and to promote more efficient regionally-based ICT development and capacity.

Read more: OECS: Official Presentation of Video Conferencing Equipment

A project aimed at improving the efficiencies of public services in the sub-region through the use of the regional Tax E-filing system will be launched by the Castries based Secretariat of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) here today.

The developers of the new system will facilitate a five-day Inception Workshop for major stakeholders involved in tax administration including Permanent Secretaries, Tax Comptrollers and Information Technology staff.

Read more: OECS launches tax e-filing system

The World Bank is providing funds to assist the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) implement an Electronic Government for Regional Integration Project (EGRIP) designed to address some of the problems faced by small island developing states.

An OECS statement said that Dominica, Grenada and St. Lucia have each received soft loan financing equivalent to US2.4 million dollars from the International Development Association (IDA), a special facility of the World Bank.

Read more: World Bank providing funds for electronic government project in OECS

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