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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Kosovo’s Public institutions will be ‘digitalised’ within four years, officials pledge.

“Kosovo has no time to wait… it should reform the public administration and enable complete governance,” Arsim Bajrami, the Minister of Public Services said, adding a fully electronic administration is possible.

“Digitalisation of the public administration does not mean staff downsizing but it is rather cost-effective,” Bajrami added.

People in Kosovo are always obliged to spend weeks or even months completing applications for things such as social security and benefits.

e-Governance aims to both improve communication and workflow within institutions and their dealings with the public.

At a conference in Pristina, different methods are being exchanged and officials are looking at utilising models of e-governance as seen in countries like Austria, Estonia or Slovenia.

The Slovenian public administration representative, Boris Butina explained how Slovenia’s citizens have easy and quick access to all these services.

“The administration in Kosovo must be completely reorganized,” he added.


Quelle/Source: BalkanInsight, 13.05.2008

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