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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

"To fully succeed in, and become a sub-regional hub of digital transformation, Cameroon must very quickly move on costs, access, quality of services and on improving the sector's competitiveness, while having its sight set on job-creation and accelerating innovation ".

These are the words of Antonio Pedro, Director of the Subregional Office for Central Africa of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), during a consultation with various stakeholders of Cameroon's digital transition project, moderated by ECA's Economic Affairs Officer Mactar Seck, and chaired by the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of Cameroon, Ms. Minette Libom Li Likeng, this Thursday at the ECA premises in Yaounde.

Read more: CM: ECA Forge Partnership for Boosting Digital Economy

Cameroon aspires to be a tech hub and “multiply by 50” jobs in ICTs. But high costs, poor infrastructure and the internet blackout in Silicon Mountain undermine this vision.

For nearly two months now, Cameroon’s two English-speaking regions have been living under an internet blackout. Communication by email and social media has ground to a halt. Banks and ATMs have stopped services. And companies that rely on the internet to do business have suffered tremendously.

Read more: Cameroon sabotages own digital economy plan with internet shutdown

The Korea International Cooperation Agency, KOICA, on March 27, 2015, signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, for a three-year E-governance project.

KOICA's Resident Representative to Cameroon, Kim Tae Young, said the MoU seeks to establish the project's master plan. A glamorous word as master plan could mean much in terms of what to expect from the initiative, which is apparently still in the budding state, given the path still to be covered for Cameroonians to feel the effect in their daily lives.

Read more: CM: Cameroon: Editorial Comment - Surmounting E-Governance Obstacles

MTN Cameroon, leader of the telecommunications sector in Cameroon has signed a partnership agreement with the Ministry of Public Health, authorizing MTN Cameroon to provide the public with a mobile health assistance platform dubbed MTN Health.

The MTN Health platform will enable everyone, irrespective of their location, to contact a medical doctor or hospital, ask questions, and benefit from health tips.

Read more: MTN launches e-Health service in Cameroon

A new curriculum under the patronage of Cameroonian's First Lady will be launched soon by IAI Cameroon.

African Institute of Computer Science dubbed IAI Cameroun-"Centre d'Excellence Technologique Paul Biya" is intensifying its programme to train more Cameroonians in the use of Information and Communication technologies (ICTs). After an operation to train 100,000 women in the use of ICTs before 2012, the institution will on Friday, March 13, 2015 launch a new operation dubbed Operation MIJEF by 2035 with the First Lady of the country, Mrs Chantal Biya as the national matron. During the launching of operation MIJEF which hopes to train 1,000,000 children, youths and women in the use of ICTs by 2035, a Golden Book to commemorate the first Operation 100,000 women by 2012 will be dedicated.

Read more: CM: ICT Training - Operation 1,000,000 Women, Youths On-Board

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