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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
SDC pledges Nu 65M towards easing administrative burden

The Swiss agency for development and cooperation (SDC) has committed about Nu 65M to improve public service delivery by the end of the current plan.

The assistance will go into creating a “One Stop Shop” where a number of services can be availed at one place.

“Bhutanese citizen should be able to come to one place and be able to sort different administrative matters at one place, instead of having to run to different offices asking for different forms,” said SDC’s east Asia division head, Pradeep Itty, who signed the agreement with GNHC officials yesterday in Thimphu. “This will shorten the time to sort out any administrative issues,” he said.

GNHC officials said that the project will support initiatives aimed at simplifying, integrating and improving public service delivery, and the capacity development of relevant agencies.

The main expected outcome of the project are creating a national level institutional framework for the projects, enhancing the capacity of relevant agencies and offering at least 10 percent (33 services) of the most commonly availed services in all districts by 2013.

The project will support the content development and automation of 10 percent of the 33 service (the automation of the rest would be supported through the GoI funded project), with technical support from DIT and private IT firms.

The department of local governance, home ministry, will be the lead implementing partner for the project. Where policy issues, procedures and standards development are concerned, government to citizen (G2C) will take the lead, while e-services related aspects will be led by DIT.

Pradeep Itty said such type of an approach was also implemented in countries such as Mongolia and Vietnam, which had brought very good results. “We’re happy that now we ‘re able to do the same work in Bhutan,” he said.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Kuenga Tendar

Quelle/Source: Kuensel, 17.09.2010

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