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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Government has launched a refurbished website aiming at painting a brighter picture of the country to the outside world.

The website will provide users with access to documentation, e-government transactions such as on-line permits, on-line applications and on-line payments.

The Prime Minister Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini when officially launching the upgraded website at Sibane Hotel yesterday said, "We want the outside world to know about our government policies and programmes."

He said potential investors will get information that will enable them to make substantial investment decisions giving rise to jobs and increased national output of goods and services.

He said, "We will ensure that the website is resourceful, informative, serving as a market asset that provides individuals and enterprises with easy access to government ministries, services and business opportunities."

Demonstrating the website was Macanjana Motsa, the State Press Secretary, who said the website was also accessible on iPads and cellular phones.

She displayed several pages and showed how easy it was to reach the various links at a click of a button.

Meanwhile, Dlamini said the Internet had achieved the equivalent of lifting best reference library in the world and placing it in your cellphone or computer.

"No longer do you have to plough written material in search of the information you want," he said.

Dlamini, however, noted drawbacks in the possibility of having unreliable information and vulnerability to the risk of out of date material.

He urged those in charge, including Webmaster Mfanufikile Maziya, to ensure that their pages were kept fully up to date.

"One material item that proves to be incorrect or out of date may discredit the entire site," he said.

The event that was attended by Cabinet ministers, principal secretaries, and stakeholders was sponsored by First Finance Company and Sibane Hotel, among others.

ICT Ministry PS, Mbuso Dlamini was programme director while Housing Minister Lindiwe Dlamini represented the indisposed Deputy Prime Minister Themba Masuku.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Bonisile Makhubu

Quelle/Source: Times of Swaziland, 17.09.2011

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