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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

American company C&N Associates plans to build a “smart city” in Nurafshan.

Zoir Mirzaev, the khokim (governor) of Tashkent region, held negotiations with a delegation from C&N Associates, led by director Ronald James Hubbard.

The US delegation presented a project for a “smart city” to be developed in the administrative center of the region.

The “smart city” will cover an area of 1600 hectares, with the total project estimated at US$10-15 billion.

The new district will host government offices, enterprises, medical facilities, and educational institutions. Industrial zones and technoparks will also be created to provide local residents with employment opportunities.

Discussions included C&N Associates’ proposals to involve more than 15 partners and investors in the project. The first initiative will involve constructing a plant for producing building materials from local raw materials.

Additionally, plans are underway to launch high-speed trains between Tashkent and Nurafshan. Following the meeting, the parties signed a memorandum of cooperation outlining these initiatives.


Quelle/Source: UZ Daily, 17.07.2024

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