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Saturday, 29.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Dushanbe City Hall and the State Unitary Enterprise (SUE)Smart City plan to build the first IT Park in Tajikistan, Trend reports with reference to Asia-Plus.

The SUE Smart City’s official website says the Dushanbe Technology Park will be the first example of synthesis of science, education and high technologies in Tajikistan.

Read more: Dushanbe City Hall and SUE Smart City to build the first IT Park in Tajikistan

A new public-private partnership between the Fantom Foundation and the Tajik Ministry of Industry of New Technologies will see the two roll out a range of blockchain-based solutions across nationwide IT infrastructure.

President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon is pursuing an ambitious integration of blockchain technology into his government's ongoing modernization drive.

Read more: Tajik government taps blockchain firm for e-government infrastructure

Starting in 2015, all district and city clinics in the country will work through e-networks. The pilot project already includes a number of districts and cities.

Tajikistan's government, aided by the EU, is creating a unified health information system.

Plans for the e-network began in 2010, Safar Sayfiddinov, director of the Republican Centre for Health Statistics and Information at the Health and Social Protection Ministry, told Central Asia Online, and €5.5m (36.7m TJS) has been budgeted for the project for 2013-2014.

Read more: Tajikistan introducing unified health information system

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified development challenges and sharpened the view on opportunities to overcome them. Evidently, policymakers were confronted with the healthcare system’s limitations, and the socio-economic impacts from the crisis directed the focus on social assistance, agriculture and food processing, and the need for accelerating reforms necessary to develop more of a partnership with the private sector, Jan-Peter Olters, World Bank Country Manager in Tajikistan, wrote in the following opinion article published on the World Bank’s website.

As a country with a young and growing, largely rural population, with legacy challenges of considerable connectivity constraints, Tajikistan has felt acutely institutional and infrastructure constraints during the partial lockdown and strict travel restrictions, with a growing sense of translating these weaknesses into sources of post-crisis recovery and resilience.

Read more: In Tajikistan, a digital future as an alternative to unemployment or migration

A set of “ethical” guidelines for the users of internet services and personal electronic devices has been developed in Tajikistan. The “Ethics Code for an e-Citizen”, presented in Dushanbe on October 11, seeks to provide the country's information and telecommunication technology (ICT) users with a moral framework for using familiar ethical standards while talking on the phone or surfing the internet.

Read more: Tajikistan Introduces Controversial “Ethics Code” For Internet Users

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