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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in the Caribbean countries will work best when Governments take the lead in the transformation, alluded Secretary-General Bernadette Lewis of the CARICOM instituted Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU).

The secretary-general told the Observer during the Sept. 22 to 26 CTU/ICT Week of Activities that the organization is persuading governments to be early adopters of ICT technologies and lead their countries into the “evolving information age”.

“You really need a champion at the highest level of government, who is prepared to set the example and keep his ministers on track. When you have that champion, it is an encouragement to the private sector as well,” opined Secretary-General Lewis.

She explained that being successful in the use of ICTs is not just about the technologies, but it is essential to build an “ecosystem” that involves legislation, regulations, training, education and business processing engineering, among other things.

Lewis believes that Governments have the potential to effectively create the environment that facilitates social and economic integration of ICTs.

But she warned that the people must be involved in the adoption processes to avoid failure. “You have to re-educate and instill certain values in your work force. Also important is how the technology is introduced. Employees must be involved in the process of change,” Lewis explained.

Secretary-General Lewis pointed out, also, that while ICT adoption does not occur “overnight,” it is important to get the processes and systems right early to avoid confusion and disappointment.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Glen Bart

Quelle/Source: The St. Kitts-Nevis Observer, 26.09.2014

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