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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Early this year 81.6 percent of housholds in Latvia had access to the internet which is by 3 percentage points more than a year ago and by 2.18 percentage points more than in 2010, according to the Central Statistical Bureau.

The internet is available almost to all households with children (98.1 percent), while households without children have access to the internet less frequently (76.4 percent). The lowest share of households having access to the internet was recorded among households of single persons (64.9 percent), while the largest in households consisting of two adults with children (98.6 percent).

The number of people using the internet on regular basis (at least once a week) is rising every year. At the beginning of 2018, 81.2 percent of population used internet regularly, which is 18.7 percentage points more than in 2010. Over the year, the indicator has grown by 2.7 percentage points.

There are no significant gender differences among the internet users – 80.8 percent of males and 81.5 percent of females used it at least once a week.

The largest share of internet users may be observed within age groups 16–24 and 25–34. In both age groups, 98.6 percent of population use internet at least once a week. The lowest share of internet users was recorded within the age group 65–74 years (40.1 percent).

Among the regions, the largest shares of internet users live in Riga and Pieriga regions – 84.9 percent and 83 percent, respectively. In Kurzeme region, 80.5 percent of population use internet regularly, while in Vidzeme region those are 78.9 percent. The lowest share of population using internet was registered in Latgale region where 71.8 percent of population used it at least once a week.

Just like last year, also in 2018 mobile phone or smart phone was the most popular device used to access the internet – 67 percent of population using internet during the last three months.

People use internet for various activities. The most popular internet activities included sending/ receiving e-mails and internet banking (83.8 percent and 79.4 percent of population using internet during the last three months, respectively). The most popular internet activities among young people (aged 16–24) included participating in social networks, sending/ receiving e-mails and watching video, while among elderly population (aged 65–74) those were sending/ receiving e-mails, internet banking, as well as finding information about goods or services.

One third of internet users were buying goods or services. In 2018, just like the year before, the most popular goods bought on the internet included clothes, sports goods, as well as household goods – 63.6 percent and 50.6 percent of people who bought or order goods or services for private use over the internet, respectively. Females more commonly purchase clothes and sports goods, while males electronic equipment.

The use of e-government is growing, for example, 49.6 percent of internet users submitted completed forms online in 2018, which is a rise of 11.1 percent over the year.

Out of the population that used the internet during the last month, 6.1 percent used website or application to arrange an accommodation (for example, Airbnb, Couchsurfing,, while 4.2 percent used website or application to arrange a transport service (for example, Taxify).

The survey on information and communication technologies usage in households was conducted at the beginning of 2018 and covered 5,914 people aged 16–74.


Quelle/Source: LETA, 31.10.2018

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