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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As part of an effort to enhance the functionality of the Latvian eSignature portal (eParaksts, in Latvian), a document sharing tool has been made available to the users of the virtual eSignature, the Latvia State Radio and Television Centre (LSRTC) recently announced.

A person who signed a document electronically with a virtual eSignature now has the opportunity to use the short-term online virtual document storage tool on the eParaksts portal; the document is stored automatically after it has been signed by its author, who can then invite others to sign the document by sending them the link where it is stored, after selecting the desired level of security.

"In cases where the same document requires the signature of several parties, the sharing function avoids sending email attachments, which improves both the security and the speed of communications," said the head of LSRTC, Mr. Jānis Bokta.

All parties can sign the document while logged on; they can also check who has already signed it and whether their signatures are valid. After the completion of the process, i.e. when all parties have signed the document, they can all download the latter and store it in their respective records.

Currently, there are three security levels for granting access to the shared document, namely:

  1. a common link is available to any person to whom it has been sent. However, in order to access the document itself, the parties must apply remotely for a full eSignature or be approved as full members by the customer service centre of the portal.
  2. the common link is only available to registered persons (members) whose names have been specified by the document's author. This type of access gives the document's author the opportunity to prevent the sharing of the document with third parties.
  3. access is granted only to persons who share an additional link that is protected by a password set up by the author of the document.

The document can be stored in the virtual sharing area for 72 hours, but the author can extend this duration. After the deadline has expired, the document is permanently deleted from the site.

Background information:

The Latvian eSignature (eParaksts) enables a user to access many eGovernment services provided by Latvian authorities. A list of the mainly used services and entities requiring the use of the eSignature is available in English at The eParaksts portal was developed by the Latvia State Radio and Television Centre (LSRTC), the only certificate authority that is fully responsible for public key infrastructure. A list of all the eGovernment services - some of which entail the use of the Latvian eSignature - can be found on the Latvian eGovernment portal,, at: (in Latvian).

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 04.11.2011

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