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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Participants in the second e-government conference of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) concurred that this year's session was a great success. In statements following the closing ceremony, Head of the Central Agency for Information Technology Abdul-Latif Al-Sarea said that more than 30 specialized bodies have taken part in the event and 85 projects were competing on the e-government prize.

Al-Sarea expressed admiration of the constructive discussions and exchange of experience among participants. He noted that the CAIT will compile and publish a book and CD including the conference working papers due to its importance. Al-Sarea voiced gratitude for His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah for his patronage of the conference and Acting Minister of Information and Communications Salem Metheeb Al-Uthayna for his attendance in the opening ceremony and visit to the exhibition held on the sidelines of the event.

For his part, Bahraini E-Government Authority CEO Mohammad Al-Qaed lauded the conferences. It has offered a great chance for deep deliberations on key e-government issues and exchange of expertise among participating officials and experts. Director General of the Saudi E-transactions program Ali bin Saleh said that the conference has included a series of highly important lectures and workshops.

The project and working papers discussed in the conference will help upgrade e-government services in his country, Saleh said. He added that he is looking forward for taking part in the third session of the conference, to be held in 2013, to keep abreast of the latest developments in IT and e-government applications.


Quelle/Source: Kuwait Times, 17.11.2011

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